I have become fascinated with cheerfulness and how and what it can do to a group of humans or even to our own human heart. One of the definitions of cheerfulness is to be noticeably happy and optimistic. I like the word noticeable. This means that our happiness and optimism can be felt and seen by others. Cheerfulness shows up in the way we walk into a room, how we greet people, the tone and language in our emails, how we acknowledge someone in passing them in a hallway or street...I mean really, all the things. I want to be more consistently cheerful. I hope you do too.
"A cheerful glance brings joy to the heart; good news invigorates the bones."
Proverbs 15:30
p.s. I am always trying to get my act together to monetize my typography work, when really if I sold nothing,
I would still be drawing every day. Alas, here is a link to order words for your walls!